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We have been under a sugar coated spell...

sugar rehab

I think we have been under a spell for the past 30 years. First we were told to drop the butter and cream in our cooking as it was giving us strokes and heart attacks, then Supermarkets muscled in with processed convenience foods called low fat, in came the SUPER SIZED STORES ... next the supersized us!

And food without fat tasted awful. So enter SUGAR... it made food palatable and our taste buds soon got the hang of it ... and the marketers said BINGO.. and had a field day... ‘Tell us about the honey Mummy’ was on everyone’s lips... Kids, mums, dads, grannies and grandpas.. developed the legendary sweet tooth!

Sales boomed, food had become a sugar coated leisure activity... Mcdonalds a status symbol. Our serotonin levels were flying high with evey mouthful of ice cream. You could live the life.. if you had a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken on a Saturday night in front of the telly with a Supersized coke for Free. Instead of boring meat and two veg around the family table. Dah!! How dull...

Because of this flip side behaviour. We are now faced with a massive health crisis. Downward spiraling hat just can’t be ignored. I am a really boring mum according to my son. To fit in with the crowd he would rather we pulled out a packed of frozen pizza than eat the health food that I make in my Thermomix from scratch. I actually think it's more about the packaging! Food out of a packet just looks more fun.. a bit like unwrapping a present! Homemade foods looks suspicious and dodgy according the kids... After all they have been brain washed from birth with TV Ad's without a concience.

Sugar has syruped its way into all our lives.. and getting rid of it.. seems to be a lonely operation and rather anti social. It requires vigilant shopping... hours of checking labels. But it's not just about the effort it takes to cook from scratch. Tell yourself it's about being an example for our next generation so they don't suffer the health issues that we face today and will be facing for years to come.

As Dr Mark Donohoe said yesterday at our Sweet Addiction event. Parents are the key... they will do ANYTHING it takes to protect their children. And protect them from SUGAR THEY MUST!

My son is 16... there is not a lot I can do for him or his generation. I did my best until he started being invited to birthday parties as a toddler. Then it became a downward hill battle, what with the fun of Halloween, Birthday parties and helpful grandparents with their sweetie bags really meaning well.

But for new mums, pregnant mums, mums of the future ... you have got to get together and reject sugar as a community. Nutritionist Krys Lojek ploughed through the horrific statistics and then she came up with solutions! It’s not that difficult. But it needs to be made a priority and only you can do it.

Mosman Ingegrative Medicine is running a trial programme for Diabetics, where by you will receive a fit bit, nutritional planning and support. They are looking for people to take part, if you know anyone willing to make a change who is a diabetic. Go to the website and make contact with Dr Mark Donohoe to discuss how you can take part.


For everyone else... Mum of three boys and Nutritionist Krys Lojek can support and put you on your sugar free journey online or at her practice in Balgowlah in one on one consultations.

I (Caroline) can show you how I cut out sugar using my 30 day nutritional programme that encourages intermittent fasting, with one on one cooking coaching, meal planners and balanced living techniques. Contact me if you want to give that a go.

If you are struggling emotionally or need quiet download time then Kundalini yogi Eilish Bouchier can offer meditation and emotional management as one on one consultation. She also regularly runs retreats and online workshops and podcasts.

There is always help to be had too if you want to do it yourself. Look up for easy ways to calculate your sugar intake, there is loads of great advice and tips to cut your sugar intake by half.

Another Jamie Oliver Food Ambassador and Jamies Kitchen head chef, Chef Steffen Warner showed us a fabulous VEGAN CHEESE CAKE that convinced me that we can eat deliciously without the sugar or meat products. Follow Steffen and his healthy conscious family here..

So to summarise, we had another successful Wellness Project Day. And really we can't stop here...this is just the beginning.

We were called to action yesterday by everyone in that room who wanted change.

Dr Mark Donohoe laid down the gauntlet. We are a small united group of people and parents who are consciously living their lives to help and support others who want to make the change. Our experience is wide ranging. We want you to move from sleep walking around the supermarket agreeing with all the hype and supermarket brain washing. To inquiring responsible lovers of this earth, choosing to educate yourselves to cook from scratch, eat plants, nurture your bodies with living food and your children's bodies with pesticide free food and reject the conglomerates, so you can take control of the health of our planet. The change needed is in our hands.

It's interesting that this awakening comes at a time of the Trump era in the US. Really it is up to each of us to make the changes we want to see, we have the internet at our finger tips, what power we have to get our voices heard. We also know we have the wisdom, insight and intuition within each of us. All we need to do is listen and make the changes.

No more sitting back waiting for others to go first.

See you at our next event SKIN FOOD.. navigating the skin/beauty industry. And how natures bounty can nourish our skins. Stand by for ticket information.

Love from all of us at The Wellness Project xxx

PS.. A huge Thankyou goes to Damian at GPA Wholefoods.. who supplied us with a sugar free drink made from Monk Fruit and offered so genourously their time to bring us some outstanding healthy gut products.

Also to Progurt.. my favourite probiotic by far with a one trillion beneficial bacteria capability! It makes the most delicious live cultured yoghurt!

More thankyou's go to:

John and his team at Boronia Tea House for welcoming us again

Buisiness Chicks for donatinga Premium membership for the raffle

Lee Holmes for donating two tickets to her gut healing programme

PS.. For more staggering information on why SUGAR is killing us.. Watch these two films.

Educate yourselves... Watch

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