better for you and better for the environment shopping
Here are some online shops that I recommend. They supply ethical and organic healthy foods, beauty, kitchen and home-care online shopping.
​Just so you know, I don't highlight any old brands, only products, shops, companies and people whom I feel have something that I value personally, that have supported my journey to good health

Biome is a great place to find equipment for fermenting, green cleaning, plus safe, reusable kids lunch boxes, great kitchen equipment.
My favourites are;
Pictured is The Swag storage bag keeps fruit and vegetables fresher for longer.
Coconut Yoghurt Culture and Thickner
Nut Milk Bags
Cheese Cloth
Wrap it Green Resueable Beeswax Food Wraps
Komudha Crock
Flip top bottles to store kombucha
If you are on the look out for the latest in organic, chemical free, vegan makeup and skin care.
Then I rate a Nourished life.. the very best natural skin care, health and beauty products from the biggest brands in Australia and the world, plus free Naturopathy advice. Love their boxes and fast delivery service.
Favourite Products
Lee Holmes - Heal Your Gut - Diatomaceous Earth - gently sweeps insides
Andalou Color + Correct CC SPF30. Face cover and sun protection
Charcoal Teeth Whitener and Toothpaste
Natural Skin Repellent
Bamboo Socks and underwear
Oil Pulling concentrate
100% Pure Mascara - stays on
Non Toxic Nail Colour
Aussie Farmers Direct is a great and reliable way to do your fresh fruit and vegetables shopping, delivered. They do a good organic range.
I like supporting Aussies Farmers Direct for these reasons.
Fewer Cars on the Road
Locally Sourced Products
No Plastic bags or Packaging
Less Food Waste
For all things SALT. I have been using their Himalayan Salt in my suakraut and in the bath and for clearing heady colds and coughs. Himalayan Salt is very mineral rich and is antimicrobal. It absorbs water and particles from the air, it also takes positive ions with them.
Favourite Products;
Salt Pipe for breathing in, great for clearing chest congestion. Calm allergies.
Salt Pocket Inhaler - calm allergy or asthma symptoms on the go!
Epsom Salt Bath salts. Great for detox symptoms and muscle relaxant. Increase boost blood flow, improve sleep, increase levels of serotonin in the brai.
Salt Lamps - The heated salt releases cleansed water vapor back into the air, it also expels negative ions which have the opposite effect on our airways – increasing cilia activity to keep your lungs clear.
Salt Water - Fill a glass jar about 1/4 of the way with Himalayan salt (or Real Salt or Celtic sea salt), either ground or in chunks cover with water. . .. In the morning, take 1 tsp of salty water upon waking. ...Keep refilling your jar with salt and water when it runs low

Hands down the best probiotic on the market. It replicates your human bacteria and colonises the gut. E
Each Progurt Probiotic Sachet is an intensive, super-strength, single dosage, equal to 40 capsules (at 25 Billion per Capsule), perfect for post antibiotics, tummy upset, gut imbalance, dairy and food intolerance, poor gut function or when travelling.
How I use Progurt;
I add it to my coconut yoghurt
Sprinkle into morning shakes
Sprinkle into water
Drink last thing at night. Allows to work on your tummy overnight.
Kim from the Compound Pharmacy spoke about hormones and skin change at our latest Wellness Project. She has helped me in many supplement ways. Compound means customised 'from scratch' medicine or nutritional supplement that fits your profile.
CKW Favourite Products;
Pyrolle - Needs to be identified by urine test then presribed by integrated Doctor.
Biodentical Hormones - Helped me manage menopusaul symptoms. Need to be prescribed by a integrated doctor.
Arma Force - I take 3 before I get on a flight and 3 when I get off
Astra 8 - great for beating off colds
Kim's Anti Aging Cream -
Apple Cider Vinegar - drink in warm water first thing
Crystal Body Roller Deodorant - have been using this for years
Magnesium Glycinate - I take 3 in the morning 3 at night for restful sleep and relaxed muscles.