"Only if we understand can we care. Only if we care will we help. Only if we help shall they be saved"
Jane Goodall ​
Help me speak up to those who have no voice​
There’s no ‘nice’ way to send animals halfway around the world to be killed for meat.
A live sheep isn’t ‘cargo’. He breathes. He thinks.
He can suffer. This simple fact maybe lost on wealthy live export companies.
But it wasn’t lost on one concerned crew member who was horrified by the suffering he witnessed on live export voyages...
This footage exposes an industry acting unlawfully. It reveals what millions of gentle animals have endured for decades, in secret.
And with it — a chance to end the cruelty.
For the first time, authorities can now independently assess the actions of the live export trade at sea. The Department of Agriculture is duty bound to stop the export of live animals if federal export laws are not upheld, or if travel arrangements are inadequate for animal health and welfare.
New evidence reveals not only that the live export trade is breaking the law, but that animals are being denied their most basic needs — proper access to food, water, rest and veterinary care...