Food Styling Course
Are you a foodie business looking to create creative video and post content.
Caroline is offering some inside intel and group support on how to be your own pro stylist, photographer and editor creating images and videos for your businesses that might need a fresh eye and approach to rebrand and pivot your business.
Caroline offers a one on one Style, Image, Edit therapy where you will learn how to recreate Caroline's unique approach and replicate it at your own pace.
There will be weekly photography goal settings and homework with key learnings from our mood board workshops, colour your feed styling, 'find your brand story' essential words, Caroline's photography step by step photography approach, define your filter editing tools, share and network with other students, use insta stories to reach more people, find your hashtags, start your own behind the scenes reality show.
We will gather in each week to harness your unique gifts and asses how well each of our posts have been received. In turn you will learn from the class and gain confidence in sharing smart, eye catching stories and videos. You will also get Caroline's un-harnessed hints and tips from her wealth of knowledge.
The aim is to get you started with Instagram and give you great insight and confidence to take you on your way to master the marketing dream of Instagram.
A months subscription costs £200
which will include 4 weekly group zoom call, plus one on one consultation with Caroline, class pdf expert photography tool sheets, writing copy techniques, hashtag insights, styling lessons, colour me mood boards, networking opportunity, private FB page
Caroline comes with film making experience.
Her cinematic approach has influenced her photographic methodology of creating images and videos using just her iPhone for filming recording, sound editing and sharing.
Having worked for the last 25 years in publishing and now social media. for all the top brands, magazines, cook books and celebrities she has the inside knowledge.
She also designs websites and shoots and manages a small customer based of social media accounts. With the aim to increase presence so they become the go to experts in their field. As well as increasing their confidence, presence and ability to share with ease.
Her approach to every photograph has a method and process. She instinctively poses questions to consider every time she plans a post or video, resulting in content that is easy to understand and visually appealing at glance.
Caroline will show you how to create your micro insta films, working solo, using Caroline’s feature film making process.
Caroline's will be presenting ‘Creating The Magic Through Visual Styling For Social Media’.
Find out the approach, method and process she uses to create content, visuals and video that is easy to understand and visually appealing at a ‘glance’....which is about as much time as we get these days in the age of busy fingers and a crowded online world.
Don't miss out on this an all day immersive day long live, global and virtual Creative Business School Immersion for entrepreneurs, creatives, rebels and mavericks, who want actionable guidance on how to navigate the new online emerging reality.
Reserve your complimentary spot here..There will be a chance to re watch for 48 hour after the event.
OPPORTUNITIES: Pivots, Transitions & Possibilities.
Event is over but....
Watch the replay for Free here until 25th May Midnight GMT